Thursday 22 February 2007

I was out to discover a new way down to Lambton Quay. I found my self looking down on familiar sculptures. I was on my way to visit the City Art Gallery. The exhibition was to present new art directions in New Zealand. There were large abstract paintings, an installation by et al. I was interested in the photographs of Fiona Amunderson. The photographs were images of deserted city squares. No people, very still low level predawn light. A sort of purist street photography while everyone was still sleeping. I was out at mid-day. A Sunday afternoon that was hot, bright and there was a relaxed "lets make the most of it" feel to the streets. I had the whole afternoon to saunter and make photos. I found a boy rock climbing. There were people cycling and eating and drinking but I liked the sign that was on the footpath. People were enjoying walking by the sea just enjoying their own thoughts. There was a wall to climb with no one on it because they were skate boarding. I walked past a garden with a big rock. By this time my leg had a burning heat rash. I am glad Wellington is mainly temperate and cool.

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