Monday 3 September 2007

4 square man

4 square man, originally uploaded by Lester Ralph Blair.

Looking at my photograph, we look a bit like tourists taking each others photo in front of some vista, Mr 4 square man and me. I discovered him while on a walk up Kelburn. He has been around for all my life, and I think every New Zealander knows him. He was created by the advertising department of Foodstuffs in the 1950's, according to a google search and 'Wikipedia'. I like the way he is framed in this retro revolving frame.

1 comment:

DARIAN ZAM said...

This is a very unusual mid 1970s version of Cheeky Charlie. I've never seen it except once in print form in a brochure for their 21st anniversary of Southland. The "classic" version of Cheeky Charlie which changed little over the decades, was always the one used on signage and I've never seen anything different until now.