Tuesday, 25 May 2010

timber houses on steep slope

As I climber higher I noticed that the width of the streets were less, and I thought, when it rained the water would gush down. Zero in for the bigger size

Monday, 24 May 2010

small house on a small street

The street is so narrow that one has to park the car in a bush. For me this is the charm, apart from the cars these small streets are just the way they have always been. And One can walk right into the city from here, just minutes down the road. Go Big for a Close examination

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

house on the edge of nowhere

I was surprised to find new homes down here on Holloway Road. Then I thought everyone has their own idea what a home should be, and the best place for it, whether it should have a country English garden or just plain cabbage trees. step into nowhere here.

Monday, 17 May 2010

wet day, yellow house

wet day, yellow house, originally uploaded by Lester Ralph Blair.

It was threatening rain, but as this was the only day I could take a few photos I walked anyway, up Aro Street then along Holloway Road. Though it was only thirty minutes from the Central City, it felt like a hundred kilometers away. Some parts of Wellington are like that. click here for a better viewing experience.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

looking at a wind altered landscape

I had been told that Wellington is the second windiest city in the world, and I thought that is why those trees look like this, and so I took this photo, and I also like the look of a little orange with green. Move in closer here.

Monday, 10 May 2010

brisk jogging up a hill

I was photographing this scene, probably because I liked the shapes of the pinus radiata growing openly upon a hill with sharp intersection at steep angles. While fiddling with knobs trying to get it all in focus, a man came jogging upwards while removing lint from his clothing. Zoom in

Saturday, 8 May 2010

u bend with playground

u bend with playground, originally uploaded by Lester Ralph Blair.

Though there is a playground, a u bend, junction box, pole, house on a hill and a cliff face, I can't say it is about anything in particular, it is just the way it looks from this footpath. for exquisite detail on nothing in particular

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

the western suburbs from a walking track

Over the hills and along the ridges there are walking tracks, and there is sometimes a view, if the clouds, scrub and trees allow it. maximize your view.

Monday, 3 May 2010

wet muddy sand

wet muddy sand, originally uploaded by Lester Ralph Blair.

The road to Eastbourne winds around steep bush clad hills and wet muddy sand. In between are houses in the style of the ideal house what ever that may be. I chose to photograph mostly the wet muddy sand so you can see just how close the sea is. It's just bigger here.