Sunday, 26 October 2014

click for a larger view

the start of another doorway

I used to get some sort of simple pleasure out of a former job as a welder, making nice straight beads, painting a floor pattern was much the same, slow going but a nice way to spend a few days with mostly Philip Glass playing from the stereo. It has taken a week to do this, having to paint it twice to get the colour the way I wanted. Now I have to work a little longer in the coming weeks to make up the time, such is life!

Friday, 17 October 2014

click for larger

the image for my next painting ...

I was going to do another landscape, but while re-arranging the photos on the wall (as my paintings have all gone down to the Tennyson Street Fair for this Sunday) This photograph from March 2006 got me thinking, a doorway from my old home town of Eltham, Taranaki. I am encouraged from my last doorway painting, I'm hoping I can keep it awhile on the wall, but if someone wants it, that will be good too ....