Tuesday, 20 December 2011

a short story about a short pole- The End

I noticed this pole while waiting for the green walking man, and while I was thinking about it, and taking a few photos the green man had been and gone. So had my wife she was way down the road.
green man is nice and big in the lightbox"

a short story about a short pole 3 of 4

I noticed this pole while waiting for the green walking man, and while I was thinking about it, and taking a few photos the green man had been and gone. So had my wife she was way down the road.
green man is nice and big in the lightbox"

a short story about a short pole 2 of 4

I noticed this pole while waiting for the green walking man, and while I was thinking about it, and taking a few photos the green man had been and gone. So had my wife she was way down the road.
green man is nice and big in the lightbox"

a short story about a short pole 1 of 4

I noticed this pole while waiting for the green walking man, and while I was thinking about it, and taking a few photos the green man had been and gone. So had my wife she was way down the road.
green man is nice and big in the lightbox"

Monday, 12 December 2011

3 of 3 from a stroll around the harbour

For this one I got the bigger camera which I have not used since purchasing the small light sony 5n.
the big 2047 x 871 view is better for your eyes"

2 of 3 from a stroll around the harbour

I was down on the stony shore looking at the stranded jelly fish when I look up and noticed this old villa.
twilight is better on black"

1 of 3 from a stroll around the harbour

.... not much to add really, I just like looking to see how people like to live in different places.
twilight is better on black"